Dental Implants
Restore Your Smile With High-Quality Dental Implants in An Area Near You
Your teeth were designed to last a lifetime, but sometimes they don't! Replacing missing teeth is important to your general health and to the health of your other teeth. The good news is that dental implants are an option whether you are a senior and need dental work or a young/middle-aged adult. As long as you are missing one or more teeth due to injury, disease, or decay, this is a viable solution that a dentist or a dental implantologist that you are referred to will be able to help with. Find out more about the dental implant process in the sections below.
Dental Implant Bone Grafting
Sometimes, when you are considering getting a dental implant, you may not have the bone material necessary to do so. In this case, your dentist will assess and advise you on if additional bone material is needed. If it is, you will have to set up what is known as a bone grafting procedure.
Bone grafting is a very common procedure in dentistry and it is used quite a bit for dental implants and in periodontal procedures around natural teeth. In this procedure, a source of bone is placed in the site (i.e. directly behind the gums where the dental implant will go). The best type of bone for this process is bone that is taken from the patient being worked on.
About the Dental Implant Treatment
After the bone graft is when the dental professional will place the dental implant. In terms of cost, this procedure can be an expensive one. For example, accounting for the implant itself as well as the surgery to place it, to add the bone graft, to put in any dental prosthetics that may be necessary based on your case, you could be looking at a bill in the thousands.
A rough estimate, which may vary by provider, can be around $4,000 for the dental implant procedure and the crown.
Low cost dental implants may not be a reality, but if you feel that you need them or if your dental professional recommends that you get them, you should highly consider doing so. Payment plans may be an option with your local dentist.
How to Find a Dentist Near You for a Dental Implant

If you are looking for the top dental implant company in your area, the first step you want to take is to look online. There are plenty of dental health providers across the United States who offer this service to people in need.
Just like general practice doctors, different dental professionals can give you different opinions and recommend different measures for handling any issues you might be experiencing. They can also give you different price points to consider and timelines for treatment.
Oftentimes, the dental implant procedure will not be completed in one visit. If you get a bone graft, you will need at least two in most cases.
Another factor to consider is reviews. You want to make sure that you find a dentist in your area that has positive ratings and specifically great reviews when it comes to this procedure.
You can use this tool by the American Dental Association to find a dentist near you. Additionally, you can use to read reviews about dentists.